Confidential * Private * Self Drug Testing Kits
11726 West Dodge Road
Omaha, NE 68154
P: (402) 935-0401 * F: (402) 935-0401
E: toxlabs@qwestoffice.net




**All D-TEKT kits and the testing devices or diagnostic apparatuses contained therein only screen for a single drug, drugs, or alcohol. D-TEKT Kits must be used responsibly, only in accordance with intended product and/or Service use, and testing results should be interpreted with extreme caution and care. D-TEKT Kits are disposable kits with a one and only one time use on one and only one urine specimen collected from one and only one human person at one and only one point in time. All urine specimens screened with D-TEKT Kits and/or the testing devices or diagnostic apparatuses contained therein should be confirmed by another analytical methods such as gas chromatography mass spectrometry (“GCMS”), and alternative explanations should be explored for any positive result. Confirmation services are available through Toxicology & Clinical Chemistry Laboratories, Incorporated, 11726 West Dodge Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68154, for an additional charge or cost to you, the user or buyer, cost or charge to be determined solely by Toxicology & Clinical Chemistry Laboratories, Incorporated. Please call (402) 935-0401 or email toxlabs@qwestoffice.net with questions pertaining to D-TEKT Kits, testing devices contained therein, and confirmation services for urine specimens or for additional information.